Building an Image-classification Library for Deep-learning Algorithms
The purpose of BILDA is to improve the detection rate of the detection algorithm we use.
Until now, the detection rate has been too low for it to be possible to use only analyzes from the algorithm.
This means that a third party must manually verify data that the algorithm cannot approve on its own.
By creating an application where other people can verify the data from the algorithm by simply swiping on images,
it is expected that the detection rate can be improved with up to 95% accuracy,
which will drastically reduce resources spent on manually verifying the data.

About Us
Proxpect Drones AS is a Norway-based provider of commercial drone services and value adding data and insight to B2B clients and public entities.
Using drones equipped with cameras we scan buildings and other industrial infrastructure to find deviations, e.g humidity, infiltrations, faults that affect duration of the materials. Thereafter, the images are processed with our proprietary solution for image analysis. Based on the analysis, the customer is provided with a report outlining maintenance and repair needs, so that our clients can optimize OPEX, CAPEX and lifetime of the asset.
The solution is safer, more effective and sustainable compared to traditional methods.
Our customers are some of the biggest names in the Norwegian real estate sector.
We have more than a decade of experience in unmanned aviation and our image analysis database is one of the largest in Norway.
The company is based out of Lier, Norway. Managing Director is Dan Richard Isdahl-Engh who leads a team of 10 persons.